Thursday, August 30, 2012

Vernal in the rearview

We did not waste a minute packing up the car. 
To say we were ready to get home, 
would be the understatement of the century! 

We arrived back to Vernal late Sunday night
and were on the road towards home Tuesday evening
after Blake's presentation that afternoon. 

Although it was a pretty view all summer, 
we were SO excited to see this in our rearview mirror!

We were a little tight on space since we added 2 pups
but we somehow managed to fit everything and everybody! 
all of our stuff 
the animals domain and all of their stuff 
We left about 7pm Tuesday 
and drove the 3 hours to Grand Junction. 
We stopped at a Laquinta for the night for some shut eye 
before making the remaining 17.5 hours Wednesday. 

RHETT woke up at 3:30am b/c he was thirsty, 
which in turn woke both puppies up.  
Blake decided since we were up, 
we should go ahead and hit the road. 
I couldn't open my eyes I was still so tired 
so we laid down till 4:30am and then got up. 
We were on the road for home by 5am. 

Our first stop of the day, 
 Durango, Colorado. 
We found a great park, 
so I dropped the boys off to run around 
while I went and rounded up some breakfast.  

Nothing but road....

Next stop, 
Albuquerque, New Mexico for lunch. 
There wasn't near as much pretty grass to run around on 
so Blake took the pups on a walk through dead fields
and RHETT hung out with me in the shade. 

looks like home...... 

We pulled into our driveway at 7:30pm Wednesday evening. 
We were over the moon to be home 
and get to see george henry again. 
We missed him like crazy. 

he was happy to see us too!! 

The pups are liking their new, permanent home, 
george is tolerating them, 
RHETT is so glad to be back in his domain 
and were are glad to be back in our world!! 

Until next summer.....

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