Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Month Two

We haven't been nearly as busy in month two 
and for that we are very thankful! 

But MaeMargaret has been VERY busy growing! 

She is really starting to get a personality 
and it is so much fun to see. 

She smiles, 
makes all kinds of squeaks and coos
and has found that her hands can grab hold of things! 

She is raising her little head up good 
and has very strong legs that she uses to push up and "stand". 

Week 6-7 was pretty rough 
as she was diagnosed with slight colic and reflux 
but with the meds we are on the mend 
and finally sleeping better, 
thank goodness! 

She actually has started sleeping 11 hours at night; 
it's been wonderful
but she is not a big napper
but I'd rather her sleep at night! 

Here are some pictures of the beauty lately: 

11#4oz of pure chunky love! 

It's been so much fun 
and getting better by the day...