Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Weekend

We have had the MOST WONDERFUL weekend! It was beautiful out here in West Texas and we savored every minute of it!
We have done nothing blog worthy but I will document it just because we have loved it that much!

We decided on Friday afternoon we would head down to Ransom Canyon, Texas. It's about 20 mins from Lubbock and supposedly has beautiful houses on a lake in a canyon. So we loaded up RHETT and off we went to "house hunt" or to be nosy....whatever you would like to call it. To say we were disappointed would be an understatement. We only saw 1 pretty house and could not figure out how to get to it, bummer.

Here are a couple of houses that we did see.

This one reminded me of the Jetson's, ha!
This was a view from the top of the canyon. It is pretty for out here, I suppose.
After we drove around for awhile Blake wanted to head in to Slaton, another near by town, to see the man he used to work for when he was a freshman at Tech. Mr. Davis was at his office and they both really enjoyed getting to visit with eachother after so many years. So, the day wasn't a complete bust afterall!

On Saturday we did lots of lounging and it was fantastic!
Here are the furry children hanging out in the backyard.
I swear george henry has NO idea he is a cat!!
We went and played tennis, went for a run, went to the 5:00 church service at the church we attend regularly and then came home and grilled hamburgers. We had the best time hanging out as a little family and only wish we could figure out a way to bring george henry along! The most fabulous part of the day was we were in bed watching tivoed shows by 8:30!!!!!
This Easter we decided to spend sometime by ourselves. We have been on the road so much for work over the last couple of months, we just had no desire to be in the car this weekend as well. We have had the most wonderful weekend. We miss our families dearly but do not regret our decision at all to stay home this Easter.

We really enjoy the church we have found since moving to Lubbock but it is so far from traditional. The preacher is young, relatable and really stirs the heart. But with it being Easter we knew that we wanted to go to a traditional church as well. Last weekend we ventured down to the neighborhood Presbyterian church, Westminister, for Palm Sunday and this weekend for Easter we went to First United Methodist. The church is magnificant and the choir and horns were magical!

This is the best picture we could capture of ourselves to document this Easter.

We have a reservation for 2:00 at the Overton Restaurant. Blake heard they have a delicious brunch so we decided yesterday that we would try it out, ha! Nothing like waiting until the last minute but that's the beauty of it just being the 2 of us!! We will try to get someone to get a better picture of us where you can see my sweet husbands outfit (white linen suit, Lilly tie and white bucks!)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

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